Ok there's a few variations to this because the foundations are pretty similar but it comes out kind of different so bare with me.
This is for the people like me who like a bit more meat in the sauce instead of just a mouthful of puréed tomatoes.
Makes 3 servings
500g of Ground Beef ($7 for regular, $9.50 for lean)
Pasta Sauce ($4)
1/2 Brown Onion ($1~)
3 Cloves Garlic ($1~)
1 shot of Vodka ($ a lot)
Curly Fettuccine ($2.95)
Thyme ($2.50 dried or $3/pack)
Basil ($3/bunch)
Olive Oil
Big wok pan thing or pot
Chopping Board
Wooden! spoon
Making the Mess
Boil some water.
Dice onion and finely chop garlic. Rough chop / tear some basil.
Add your pasta to the water to cook.
Heat up a pan with a little bit of olive oil on medium heat.
Add the onion and garlic and stir around till the onion is half transluscent.
Add your beef and break it up in the pan (hence the wooden spoon because this is a workout for me)
Once broken up, add your thyme and pasta sauce. Add some water to the jar and shake it around and poor it into the pan because we don't waste good sauce.
Add 1 shot of vodka then mix everything together.
Let it simmer until you reach a consistency that's slightly dryer than what your want.
Add your cooked pasta, some salt and pepper and mix around. If too wet, let it simmer. If too dry, add some of the pasta water.
The alcohol from the vodka evaporates so it's still sober friendly. The kind of pasta doesn't really matter I just like the texture of curly fettuccine. Enjoy mi amigos!